Thursday, February 6, 2014

Need to stay awake all night long? Here's a secret how to do it.

Let a mosquito loose in your room.

You will be up for hours looking for the little bastard trying to kill it.

My room is on the 2nd floor, it has no windows that open, and is on the back side of the building. It takes me 5 minutes to get to the exit.

Yet, a mosquito still managed to get into my room last night. Little ****** bit me twice on the hand. I was up from 4:06am - 4:52am looking for it. Finally turned the AC down and I saw him and squished him.

I hate mosquitos.


  1. You big baby. When I was in Thailand I was staying in a hut for $5/night. It started raining so all the ants decided to find shelter in my room. THe walls were crawling with ants. The bed was up against one of the walls, I turned the light on and saw the wall moving right by my face. So I scooted the bed into the middle of the room away from the walls and it was a little bit better.
    Then a field mouse made his way into my AC unit and started squawking at me. Yeah, I didn't know mice could squawk either. In addition, I had a furious battle with the Ria that night and was up and down to the bathroom at least 10 times. On the 7th trip, I was sweating profusely and spit on the shower drain. On the 8th Trip the ants had found my spit, thousands of them surrounding it, eating it I guess.
    Lets just say I didn't sleep well that night.

  2. A night like that will put some hair on your chest boy!

    I remember your e-mails from Thailand. I was laughing from the comforts of my lighted, air conditioned, insect/rodent-free home.
