Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hit the midpoint

It just occurred to me that I've been in India for exactly 1 month today. That means that I have 1 more month to go.

It's strange because it seems like it's been an eternity but also doesn't. I've settled in quite nicely into this new environment.

Though at times I miss my first world comforts, I've fallen into a routine in this third world.

I've seen and experienced things that I will remember forever.

I've met new people and made new friends. Matt and Kinley, Larry and Shana. I hope to cross paths with you again.
I've troubleshooted problems at work just like I did back in Mountain View.
I've gotten comfortable with the customs and traffic. I can cut a line with the best of them now.
I have a reliable driver that I can call on a whim and he or his brother will take me almost anywhere.
I can say I've experienced "Indian Standard Time". Translation = whenever the hell we feel like it.
I know all the staff at my hotel by name and they know me by mine.
I've found what I've needed, when I've needed it, though I still haven't found a damn grocery store.
I was on CNBC India in a feature on LinkedIn India (go figure).
I've smuggled a Leatherman onto an airplane (completely by accident. I just didn't want to have to give it to security.)
I've been involved in 2 car accidents. 4 if you count swapping paint with buses.
I got "Delhi Belly" finally.
I've been bitten by more mosquitos in my own apartment that I have outside.
I've been accosted on the street for money... and blessed for my generosity.

Even better, I still have more to look forward to over the next 4 weeks.

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