Wednesday, March 5, 2014

1 week left? Impossible.

I find it hard to believe that I only have 1 week left until I return home. Has it really been 8 weeks already?

When I talk to my friends back home they say it feels like it's been forever since I left but here and they all ask "when are you coming home?" But here, it feels like I just arrived.

- I remember that first day when I went to the wrong office as if it was yesterday.
- I remember thinking "what did I get myself into" as I walked absentmindedly trying to find a taxi.
- I remember waking up for that first week knowing I was going to be sitting in traffic for 60-90 minutes to get to work and 90-120 minutes going back and wanting to be back home where it still takes me 30 minutes to go 6 miles but I was in control.
- I remember flying to Sri Lanka my 3rd weekend in India and being so frustrated with the process of 3rd world traveling that I told myself I was going to eat the costs of my other airline tickets that I had purchased and not leave my hotel.

Then I said F that. I'm here to do something special.

I found that ever elusive grocery store. It's about half a mile from my current hotel and I've walked down twice. It's next to a KFC which is also convenient if I want to get a quick bite.

I found a place to get my haircut. Granted, it's at the Park Plaza hotel spa but it's only a mile from my hotel. There is a "local" place across the street but I was advised not to go there by the front desk. "Not very hygenic" was the description they used. Noted.

According to my Fitbit, since I've arrived, I've taken 296,046 steps and walked 139.63 miles.

I've achieved what I was sent her to do for work. Got my team comfortable and confident with the tool we've assigned them to use. Just today we made the decision to integrate them back into the old support queue managed from Mountain View and relive me of those support duties. I feel like a proud papa.

I've met some truly amazing people. From my loyal and reliable driver Guri, to the team I'm supporting and other people in the office that I laugh with daily, to the staff at my hotel, to the incredible guides that have showed me some of India's magnificent sights and made me want to Google the shit out of the country every chance I get.

Most of all, I feel like I've earned my place in this country and this company. The future remains unknown but a fellow manager today said "they better convert your ass" when she found out I was not an employee and only a contractor. Regardless, I'm proud of what I've done for myself and my team and will walk away with my head held high, as I always do.

India, it took some time to get comfortable with you, but I've grown to love you and I know there is a lot that I have yet to see and experience (I'm going to miss Holi by 3 fricking days. That would have been awesome).

I will be back. 

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